1. Content of Our Own Website:
The provider and the authors of this website’s content do not assume responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, current validity, or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the provider and the authors for damages, material or non-material, incurred due to or in the context of the use or failure to use the information on this website are precluded unless they were caused by wilful acts or gross negligence on the part of the provider or the authors.
The entire content of this website is not binding in any way. The provided content can be changed, added to, deleted, or discontinued at any time without prior notice.
2. Links to External Websites:
The hyperlinks included on this website have been collected and researched with the greatest possible care. Those who place links can only be held responsible for external contents linked to if they are aware of potentially illegal or punishable contents and if it is feasible for them and reasonable to expect them to prevent the use of such contents. We hereby explicitly declare that we do not in any shape or form control any current or future aspects of the websites we link to.
We are not responsible for the content of websites we link to nor any links located on those websites, nor do we adopt such content as our own.
The liability for illegal, inaccurate, or incomplete information, or for damages a user might incur by using or failing to use information located on external websites, does not lie with us, but with the provider of the websites linked to.
Should you, while visiting a website we linked to, come across any content or other element you object to or that you feel is inappropriate, or if a link is broken, please advise us so that we can amend the situation.
3. Contractual Liability:
Your use of the provided information does not make you our client. Neither does the provided information constitute a legally binding offer to enter an attorney-client relationship. We advise only individually, never online. We therefore preclude any contractual liability arising from information provided on this website, including inaccuracies or incompleteness. The content on this website does not constitute a legal consultation, by consequence of which it is not considered part of consultation services provided in the context of existing or future attorney-client relationships even if such a relationship should be formed based on the information provided.
4. Electronic Communication
If you decide to contact us by email, please note that the safety of your e-mailed information is not positively guaranteed and that encryption is the only way to ensure privacy regarding your email and our requested reply. However, encryption features are only used upon your explicit request and within the limits of our technical possibilities. By sending us an email, you confirm that you are aware of these risks.
5. Extent of the Disclaimer:
The disclaimer detailed in the above sections (1 to 4) applies to all aspects of the entire website located at the URL www.tracc-legal.de including all subpages associated with the homepage. If an individual declaration within this disclaimer should be or become void in part or in its entirety, the remaining declarations shall remain valid. The void declaration is to be replaced by a provision which achieves the greatest possible approximation to the result intended by the provider.